5 in 1 Staple gun

UT-768i 5 in 1 Staple gun

UT-768i 5 in 1 Staple gun

UT-768i takes multiple staples/nails types and sizes, including the most US and European major brands, 53(JT21) ,140 (T50), 36 ( T-25) , 18 Gauge Brad nail , Pin nail.
  • 768i staple gun.jpg
  • 768i.jpg
  • 768i bottom load.jpg
  • 768i用針_1.png
  • 768i staple gun.png

UT-768i Fire both FINE/FLAT staples without switch

* NO SWICHT design to accept multi-wire staples (Arrow T50/JT21, Rapid #140/53/13,18 Guge Brad nail, Pin nail)
* All steel construction
* Safety handle lock mechanism
* Visual low staple refill window
* Bottom load design for easy load staple and jam clearing
* Patented