innovation staple gun
without switch staple gun
1.Many staple guns are designed to work with specific sizes or types of staples, limiting their versatility.
2.Users often find that their tool cannot handle thicker or longer staples required for certain materials, necessitating the purchase of additional tools, which increases costs and complicates maintenance.
3.There are some refrigerator designs, with a switch for the user can use different specifications staples.
4. While people forget to adjust the seitch knob or do the wrong way, the firing result is failed eventually-either no staple coming out or coming with 2 staples. It is not user-friendly and causes lots of inconvenience.
Our worldwide patents "Without-SWITCH" tackers breakthrough this myth which can identify the various gauges of wires automatically.
1. It’s the world’s 1st innovative creation device on the tacker.
2.Our "Without-SWITCH" tacker takes up to 7 different spec. of staples and no need "SWITCH".
3.End users can just buy one tacker to do all the jobs, this is very good sales point for marketing and user friendly.
4. No need to buy the 2nd or 3rd takers, it saves the earth raw material which can be oriented as a "green product".